We offer a range of Home Survey formats developed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and designed to suit particular types of property and individual client’s requirements.
Our residential Home Surveys are written in plain English without the use of unnecessary technical terminology so that they are easy to understand. All survey reports will include a selection of colour photographs showing defects and other areas of importance. In addition to the range of standard survey formats listed below we can tailor reports to suit individual clients requirements if needed. Next day inspections can usually be arranged if you need a report quickly and we aim have reports ready within 48 hours.
Level 1
The RICS Condition Report is a new report format introduced in 2011 and gives buyers of conventional property and newer homes a clear and concise picture of the condition of the property at an affordable price.
The survey report does not include an opinion of value as it is designed to complement a mortgage valuation. This report is particularly suitable for first-time buyers on a budget, those buying property with a view to letting and sellers who require an idea of any defects which may be raised by a buyers surveyor.
The report is written in plain English using easy to understand “traffic light” ratings to reflect the seriousness of defects. The report also has a section on advice for your legal adviser. The benefits of a RICS Condition Report Include;
- A concise description of the construction and condition of the property
- The identification of problems which are serious or require urgent attention
- Information on items requiring further investigation
- Information on problems which may be dangerous or pose a risk to the building
Level 2
The RICS Homebuyer Report has been a popular home survey report format for many years. It is suitable for property of conventional construction and up to about 150 years old. The survey report provides a clear and concise picture of the condition of the property and also a market valuation.
This survey report is our most popular product and will give a purchaser a detailed assessment of the property together with advice on future maintenance. Although slightly more expensive than the RICS Condition Report, the Homebuyer Report is still very affordable survey and ideal for the vast majority of homebuyers. Importantly it can include a market valuation and a buildings insurance calculation.
The report is written in plain English using easy to understand “traffic light” ratings to reflect the seriousness of defects. The report also has a section on advice for your legal adviser.
The benefits of a RICS Homebuyer Report Include:
- A concise description of construction and condition of the property.
- The identification of problems which are serious or require urgent attention.
- Information on items requiring further investigation.
- Information on problems which may be dangerous or pose a risk to the building.
- Advice on future maintenance.
- A market valuation.
- A building insurance reinstatement calculation
Level 3
A Building Survey, often referred to as a structural survey is a custom written report suitable for property of both conventional and unconventional construction and any age or size. This is a comprehensive report tailored to suit a particular property and will highlight defects, repairs and maintenance options.
This type of report is essential for larger, older or more complex property or if you are planning major works. The Building Survey will provide detailed information on construction and condition and will include photographs.
The benefits of a Building Survey include;
- Details of the materials used in construction and how they will perform in the future.
- A description of visible defects and explanation of problems posed by hidden defects.
- Information on repair options and an explanation of the consequences of not acting.
- A focus on defects which require urgent attention.
- Information on problems which may be dangerous to occupiers or pose a risk to the building.
- Advice on future maintenance.
- Highlighting of issues to be investigated by your legal adviser.
- Photographs highlighting defects and other issues relevant to the property.